Customer Service Appreciation Week 2019
Happy Customer Service Appreciation Week!
Although many people may not realize it, this week is being celebrated in contact centers all across the country. Although not specifically a contact center event, it has certainly become one!
By a resolution of the United States Congress and proclamation by President George Bush in 1992, the first week in October was named Customer Service Week. From the Proclamation, "A business will do a better job of providing high quality goods and services by listening to its employees and by empowering them with opportunities to make a difference. Customer service professionals work in the front lines where a firm meets its customers; where supply meets demand. With responsive policies and procedures and with simple courtesy, customer service professionals can go a long way toward ensuring customer satisfaction..."
CSAW (“see-saw”) has become one of our favorite weeks at work! We start planning months in advance, keeping all of the details under lock and key until the first day of the week. This year, our theme is outer space. Unbeknownst to the team, we started our journey toward CSAW earlier this year with our annual summer walking competition, racking up enough miles to walk from our office to a secret location… which turned out to be Area 51, just in time for the “raid”, racking up over 500 miles, and giving away some fun prizes along the way. I don’t want to spoil the surprises we have planned for our team this week, but we have a number of cool activities going on that will help us celebrate the stellar work they do!
Every year, I enjoy handwriting thank you cards to everyone on my team. It is a tradition that goes back as far as I have celebrated CSAW. Also this year, I asked our executive team and a number of leaders across the company to share their thoughts about CSAW. The responses were heartfelt, sincere, hilarious, and incredibly creative! I am super excited to share that video with them this week!
Our Customer Service team works hard every day to support our customers and help give them the best experience they can with our company! They are passionate about the business we are in, helping families and businesses all over California and western Nevada. They take great satisfaction in focusing on what’s right for the customer and have incredible pride in supporting the best field service professionals in the industry! They help one another without being asked, they rally behind their teammates, even if that teammate is in a different office and they’ve never actually met them, and they push me everyday to be the best leader I can be!
Right before our recent corporate team photo… it’s time to take a selfie!
Happy Customer Service Appreciation Week to my superstar team, the sharpest, and most fun team I have ever been a part of! Thank you for always working so hard to provide the best experiences for our customers, both internal and external, and thank you for being so wonderful to work with! I appreciate each of you so very much! I hope you all have an out-of-this-world week, Janeen, Debbie, Patty, Miguel, Nick, Michelle, Gina, Kendra, Lisette, Rathie, Dani, Liz, Vanessa, Vi, Mari, Tacie, Jamie, Emily, Cham, Abel, Mary, Rebecca, Jesse, Alyson, Amanda, Stefany, Matthew, Alyssa, Carla, Denise, Lara, Edward, Akiba, Rey, Holli, Sam, Diedra, Laurie, Jeremy, Debbie, Joseph, Manny, Joe, Arielle, Charissa, Pria, and Courtney! It is truly an honor to work with you all!